Lola and I are obedience school drop-outs: After leaving class a couple of weeks ago sobbing and swearing that I would give Lola away the following day, it was determined, in the light of the next day, that obedience classes were quite obviously not helping. We still have Lola and after making some minor adjustments to how I work with her she's starting to see things my way. She's still a big obnoxious puppy, but she's
my big obnoxious puppy. The future is much brighter now.
Wade loves the zoo: Aaron has been anxiously waiting to take Wade to the zoo all winter. So, this past Saturday we packed up Wade's red Roadmaster wagon and headed out. Each animal was greeted with the excitement only a two-year old can muster and an "Oooooooooo, whas dat?" Precious. Although we had the wagon, Wade insisted on walking the entire zoo. We were there 3 hours and what I can only assume was 1,000,000 Wade steps; he was a trooper the entire time and showed no signs of slowing down. We were in the car approximately 2.2 seconds and Wade was passed out cold. Here are a couple pictures of our day:

One of my favorite parts of the day was when we sat down to eat our food... Wade for no apparent reason decided that he would eat his lunch at a picnic table by himself about 30 feet away. He sat there happy as a clam; eating and talking to himself. Odd child.
I have Exploding Head Syndrome: I know! Terrifying, right? Thankfully, its name in no way reflects an actual symptom. I have been plagued with this for many years and just assumed I was crazy... My good friend Josh has assured me that I am indeed still crazy, but this simply isn't the
cause. It's pretty unfascinating other than its name. I can't wait to tell everyone that I meet that I have
Exploding Head Syndrome!!